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EATIS 2008 | September 10-12 | Aracaju, Brazil

Final Agenda [PDF]

Discovery Aracaju City, capital with best life quality in the North East Coast of Brazil. Safe to travel and hard to forget it!

EATIS 2008 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems will be held on Hotel Del Mar at Aracaju City in the State of Sergipe, Brazil. Official languages for the conference will be English, Portuguese and Spanish. see more..

EATIS 2008 is an international conference promoted by Brasil - Euro American Association on Telematics and Information Systems. permanent institutional goal is to actively promote academic collaboration between European and American continents universities. In this way, provide state-of-the-art discussions that can motivate key research directions to young researchers and new research groups. 

for authors from economically developing countries offers 10 Invited Papers (free registration) for first authors residing in economically developing countries (see list of countries).

Selected Invited Papers are listed below in the following Paper ID decrescent score order:

185, 197, 216, 259, 266, 218, 226, 229, 231, 252.

Selection of the Invited Papers was done according to the score order obtained in the submission process.

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 content on this site is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence


In order to publish your work in the EATIS'08 Proceedings into The ACM Digital Library (ACM-DL) with ISBN # 978-1-59593-988-3, Copyright © 2008 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM) 
please, complete the following 5 steps:
1.      Read the ACM copyright form. After printed and signed, upload the filled-out and scanned form using proper field at Registration Form. This should be done until Camera-Ready paper deadline: July 8th, 2008.
2.      If your paper language is either Portuguese or Spanish, ACM-DL requires that your Camera-Ready Paper has title, abstract and keywords in English too. If necessary, please update keywords, abstract, and title using the Edit submission. This also should be done until Camera-Ready paper deadline: July 8th, 2008.
3.      Upload Camera-Ready Paper until July 8th, 2008. For that, use Re-upload a paper. To prepare Camera-Ready Paper, follow reviewers' comments sent to you by e-mail and make sure you meet Guidelines to submit your wok.
4.      Register your paper until the Late Registration Deadline on August 8th, 2008. You can make registration by Bank Transfer or Credit Card. All Credit Card payments will be received by PayPal with an administration tax of 6.4%. If you live in Brazil, Bank Transfer is preferred because has no charge. If you live outside Brazil, you have to pay all bank transfer costs. Conference registrations may be done through Registration Form.
5.      Pay attention in the lists of full and short paper sent to you by e-mail, and also published in the Publications Menu at left side of the conference website. Some works was sent as full-papers, but approved as short papers. So, they have to be reduced to 4 or 3 pages. If you were approved as SHORT PAPER, also you have to prepare a poster with dimensions 120cm (height) x 84cm (width). Short papers will be presented in a Panel Session during the conference. We strongly suggest posters and presentations be wrote in English. Full papers will be presented only in English in the proper technical sessions.
Any further information, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

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